silly odyssey

establishing what this blog is

Here's something that has been on my mind for a while: I want to have a personal site. For professional reasons it can come in handy, but mostly for personal reasons, because it seems... fun? One of my favorite things on the internet are sites that are build out of creativity and enjoyment–the contrast with sites that are build to generate revenue is huge. Having a personal website not only gives me a space to share what I find interesting to share about myself and my work, but also a place to test new things and new ideias.

The problem is: I just can't do it easily. Like everything work-related (as is paid work or just any work that I produce in my free time), I put an ridiculous amount of pressure on it and it kills the fun. How can I do something that's supposed to be free and light if my mind keeps aiming for perfection? It shouldn't be perfect–as a matter of fact, nothing really is!–it should just be.

This blog, Silly Odyssey, was created for me to document all the struggles I have with this. Probably a documentation of lots of work insecurities, which would a be a great definition of myself should i ever needed an honest description of who I am.

P.S. I'm already second guessing everything I have written here, so this blog is also an extra exercise in trying to be chill.