silly odyssey

the fine line of personal projects

I can say that I'm a person with discipline. When I want to successed in something I know how to organize my time and make it my priority to progress in what I want, weather it is by learning it or practicing it. I also know that my discipline works best when I have a well-defined goal and, better yet, a deadline. There's nothing like having a set date and then setting up a schedule to get things done (with a safety margin for any setbacks).

I also know I'm an anxious person. And, to be honest, I don't know to what extend my discipline is tied to my own anxiety regarding everything I want to do and everything I have to do. Cue to many therapy sessions during the pandemic trying to figure it why I put so much pressure in myself. What a time to find out that everything I held out as "hobbies" had the same emotional weight as what I did to earn an income.

Which brings me to the question: do I need a deadline to a personal project? The personal website I want to make (which is the main reason for setting up this blog) is somewhat an unclear project for me, because I don't know how to find the balance within. I want to get it done, and I know I can do it by treating it as high priority. But I also don't want to resent it like it did with so many other personal projects.